Saturday, July 31, 2010

Thoughts for my parents' family room

For years, my mom has thought her family room is too formal. I think it's beautiful, but I can understand her concern. She wants her family room to be a place to lounge and relax with loved ones without feeling like you have to be on your best behavior. I already feel pretty at ease when I go home, but I could see why first time guests might not feel quite so comfortable. Here's a picture of the room from a few years ago. She's made a few changes since then, but the idea is still the same.

She asked me to brainstorm about how to do a casual makeover of the room with the understanding that she may not use any of my ideas. That's AOK with me! Nothing makes me happier than just imagining makeovers so I don't really mind whether or not my ideas are implemented. Her only requests were that we keep some sort of yellow paint on the wall and nix the oriental rug. So here we go:

1. Millwork
A. Ceiling: How about some white wood paneling like in the picture below? Obviously this living room is formal, but I've seen plenty of casual rooms with similar ceilings and I love them! It would add some interest to the cathedral ceiling. Dad, start getting those woodworking tools warmed up! This is just the beginning.

B. Built-ins: Would it be possible to extend the top of the book shelves and mantle above the fireplace all the way to the cathedral ceiling? Even just flat wood paneling might look nice. I think it would draw the eye up and make the room look larger and lighter.

C. Crown molding: A relatively easy yet important addition. If it were up to me, every room would have it!

2. Color ideas:

This is a picture from our vacation to Sea Island, Georgia with Chris' family. It was such a beautiful house! Perfectly decorated. I think the designer found a great balance between casual and formal. Those big fluffy couches were so comfortable!

This is more of a spa-like color scheme. Very relaxing. I like the contrasting piping on the couches.

This picture is from the portfolio of Carol Friedman, an interior designer from Concord, MA. This room actually reminds me a lot of my parents' with just a few changes.

I know, I know, this isn't my mom's style. It's mine. But I couldn't resist!

A little feminine, but cute.

Let's start with that and we'll go from there. So, Mom, any thoughts?

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