Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A little background

Not only do Chris and I have an unhealthy obsession with the state of Maine, we (or maybe more so I) also have an obsession with homes. It has been our dream to eventually design our own house. In order to prepare for the time when such a thing is feasible, we have been collecting images of houses we admire. We have magazine cut-outs of everything from mud room benches to kitchen drawer organization techniques. But before I get bogged down with the minor details, I thought what better place to start than with the outside of the house? As you can see from a few of our favorite house pictures below, we are in love with the traditional small New England homes:

Just looking at these pictures makes me happy.

1 comment:

  1. those pictures make me happy too! (as do the pictures from the first post, of course) i'm so happy that you and chris share my love of maine too. i can't wait for you guys to get up there so i can come VISIT!

