Sunday, December 12, 2010

A month in Maine

During the month of October, I spent a very busy 4 weeks in Portland, Maine working on a sub-internship rotation at the Barbara Bush Children's Hospital at Maine Medical Center. Despite the long hours, I loved the pediatrics program I joined that month and would love to return there for residency next June! I learned so much from the incredible residents, attendings, nurses, and patients. My only complaint was that I desperately missed Chris and Cindy Lou... that and the fact that a rat had made its home in my dorm's bathroom. But otherwise, it was a perfect month all the way down to the whoopie pies and fireplace in the hospital cafeteria! What more could a girl ask for?

For one of my two weekends off, I was lucky enough to have my parents whisk me away to Mount Desert Island for a mini vacation. To me, Acadia National Park is heaven on earth. The views are almost unbelievable. Unfortunately, it was too chilly to get out on the water and kayak to the nearby islands, but we had a lot of fun exploring Bar Harbor and walking a few miles of the carriage trails. We also had a delicious dinner at Havana and a tasty lunch complete with popovers at the Jordan Pond House. Thanks, Mom and Dad!

Two weekends later, Chris flew in for a visit! Unfortunately, Cindy Lou couldn't join him and I had to go the entire month without seeing my little one. Despite the fact that our family was not truly complete, Chris and I had a great time exploring the coast of Maine from our home base of the Harpswell Inn. We climbed around the Giant Stairs on Bailey Island and enjoyed some easy hiking trails through the woods of Harpswell. At night, we devoured a great meal at Clementine's in Brunswick, ME. Overall, it was a great weekend and I was so glad to see Chris if only for a couple of days.

The transition back to Chicago was a little rough for me, but I am happy to be back with Chris and Cindy Lou. I'm not sure when our next trip to Maine will be, but I know we're both already looking forward to it!

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