Thursday, December 16, 2010


We're having a girl!!! Chris and I will be welcoming a baby girl to our small family on or around April 3rd, 2011 and we couldn't be more excited. We're already madly love with her and we can't wait to meet her. Here she is at our 20 week ultrasound:

Chris is already scheming of ways to spoil her - she's going to have him wrapped around her little finger. Of course, I'm busy dreaming of decorating the perfect nursery. Unfortunately, since there's a good chance we'll be moving for my residency this June, it doesn't make a lot of sense to go all out decorating the nursery here in our apartment in Chicago. So her "nursery" will really just be a corner of our guest bedroom for her first few months. But once we move, I'm going to have a ball decorating her very own nursery. Here's what I have in mind:

I always loved the book "Miss Rumphius" by Barbara Cooney. It's about a woman whose personal mission is to make the world a more beautiful place and she does it by spreading Lupine seeds wherever she goes. It's an adorable book with whimsical illustrations. Luckily, I have an incredibly talented and creative mom who has volunteered to paint the illustration above on a larger canvas so I can frame it and hang it in the nursery! I love the colors in this painting and I hope to use them for the color scheme in the room.

I would love to use a paint color similar to this one on the walls above bright white wainscoting (this is where my talented Dad comes in!). This color is Swiss Blue from Benjamin Moore. I'm not sure what it will actually look like on the wall, but I like it on my computer screen!

I love this simple bedding from Serena and Lily. It's called Punch Basics with the aqua/melon mosaic crib sheet.

I found these banners on Etsy and thought they were a fun and inexpensive way to add some color to the room. My mom has also volunteered (I think?) to make some of our own!

This is the crib we found on Craig's list for $40 including a brand new mattress. I like the way the wood tone will stand out against the white trim.

I would love to use this piece from Pottery Barn as a changing table. Baskets in the cubbies would be a great place to store diapers and other necessities.

Every nursery needs a rocking chair and this one is particularly comfortable. I would like to get it in a natural twill or white so that the chair could be used in a boy's nursery sometime in the (far-away) future.

Wouldn't it be fun to use this bear from Orvis as a footrest for the rocking armchair? Hopefully our little girl won't be scared of it!

Chris and I fell in love with this giraffe sconce by Jonathan Adler. He makes a partner for this one that faces the other direction. Unfortunately, they're a bit outside of our budget... but a girl can dream.

I like the idea of a simple soft yellow rug for tummy time and play time. This one is from Layla Grayce.

And what would a nursery be without toys? I love the tall giraffe and the rocking frog. Let's be honest - they'd be more for decoration than anything else!

We have a lot to work to do before our little one arrives - and even more to do after she makes her debut! But we can't wait! It's going to be quite an adventure.

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