Thursday, July 22, 2010

Colby: where the love affair began

I believe credit should be given where credit is due. On that note, I dedicate this post to Colby College - for without Colby, I would not be obsessed with Maine, but more importantly, would not be married to the man of my dreams and would not have such a funny, brilliant, and (let's face it) HOT group of best friends. Chris and I recently went back to Waterville for our 5 year reunion and had an amazing time. It brought back wonderful memories and was so refreshing to be back with people who we had gotten to know so well over the 4 years of undergrad. The reminiscing was out of control! I decided to go through a few of my pictures from 2001-5 and pick out some of the highlights to share with you:

Sophomore year: I think Nicole and I had gone crazy from organic chemistry studying and decided to throw a badass party on a Tuesday night. The best part was, we decided we had too much work and postponed it until Wednesday.

It was tough being the largest, I always was at the bottom of the pyramid!

This was on Valentines Day after Kyle did an amazing job directing the Vagina Monologues.

Here we are at the graduation ball during our last night at Colby, after dating for about 3 months. Who knew we'd be planning our wedding two short years later?

This was the first time I met Chris' sisters. I look like I might vomit in nervousness in this picture! Luckily, they're the sweetest people you could ever meet!

This is one of the very few pictures we have of the 7 of us together. Luckily, Emily's wedding is in less than one month, so we will all be reunited again soon!

So, Colby College, here's to you! Thanks for the great memories and the inspiration to move back to the great state of Maine, complete with its whoopie pies, rocky coastline, and Bean boots. We owe you one.

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